More Bug repairs

large numbers of the screen location/scaling bugs have been removed from the game – I was getting confused as to what elements were being kept in native coordinates and what were being kept in logical coordinates – the Palm platform doesn’t make this terribly easy – for example if you want small text you need to cheat. It’s easier to do things when you don’t have to scale, but them’s the breaks.
The next focus is on getting the ‘nix port to work correctly with the new save-game format. Once that’s been accomplished I’ll work on getting the desires coded.
With every cycle of zone development/reduction:
– if we don’t have enough for commercial || industrial increase
the desires of residential
Normalize the desires every cycle?
Industrial | Commercial:-
need = (residential_value –
(commercial_value + industrial_value))
need = months * months / 35 + 30 – residential_value
need = (industrial_value * 2 / 3) – commercial_value
I need to *visualize* this
Default Desire levels:
Evaluation 0 [it’s normalized from -32000 -> +32000 ]
Residential 500
Industrial 250
Commercial 0
Scale goes from -512 to +512
Every time we try to promote and don’t have enough of other elements to allow it to grow we should increment the desire level, every time it can grow we decrease the desire level. a +-512 scale should be sufficient.
I need to come up with a good layout for the desires – horizontal colored bars should be good.