Office Space

office spaceThe first time I saw this movie it was about 3am and I had come home from the pub. Normally when I get home from the pub I fall asleep on the sofa (sad but true! what do you do?) but when this was on I could not fall asleep until I had seen y way through to th end. I’ve been telling people about it but noone else I know claims to have seen it.
So what do I do? I buy a copy of the DVD of course so I can inflict it on everyone I know. All I have to say is… you took my stapler and I want it back.
But for heaven’s sake don’t think that this corresponds to where I work. We don’t have cubicles, we don’t have to fill in arbitrary TPS reports and normally we only have to report to two bosses.
On the plus side we’re only expected to work from home at weekends, and that’s when we’ve got deadlines looming. Every morning I get into the office. There are about 120 emails in my inbox, another 120 mixed and matched amongst my other mailboxes. Trust me when I say I do not read all the email I get. I have been known to just tag whole reams of email as deleted if I’m not in the mood. This can cause problems – people damn me with faint praise and I miss it! I will say, for the record, that project related email gets the highest priority in the morning, followed by email that’s in my inbox that is either (a) from someone who I recognize or (b) contains a useful subject line. An example of a useless subject line is not having one, or please help – dear god people do you have any idea how mush utter shite I have to wade through every day?
Well that turned into an unintentional rant.
