I got myself a new phone, It’s really really shiny. It’s a Sony Ericsson V800, which of course means that it’s a vodafone item (I wonder how many company names can I drop in a single post). I have already downloaded one game for it – worms, and will probably download quite a few more. They make for a good diversion on the train into the office, or when I’m just idling. The thing that I’ve a bit of a complaint about is that the games are €5 each, which can add up. I should write a few games myself, or adapt some of the openly available linux games that are sitting around (they’re C, and you really really need to use java for games on the phones for the most compatibility).
It makes for an interesting challenge – could I convert an aspect of pocketcity into a phone-based one, mind you I need to get the damned game past the alpha level. I’ve been so busy in the office over the last year that I’ve not had much time to work on it. I’m getting complaints from developers who would be interested in doing more development on it. I’m not stopping them – hell I’ve given them full read/write CVS access to the source, but since I’ve given them access to it, I’ve not seen one commit to the source. I feel all left out as if I’m the only person working on this.