I decided to make a few changes in the blog. The first thing I did was made the comments appearable in-line. It required a few changes in the moveable type back-end.
I needed to add the ability to strip extraneous bits from the comment.cgi form. This was accomplished with a ‘raw’ parameter, that allowed it to remove code that fell within a <COOKED></COOKED> pair of tags. I also added in a ‘redir’ tag. This allows it to rediret the page somewhere other than the default redirect page – namely back to the homepage instead of back to the comments page as it is by default.
I was greedy, and wanted to add the ability to control output if there already were comments, so I added the <MTEntryIfHasComments> tag, which works quite nicely. I may need to add an inverse to this. This allows me to have entries on the main page that read Comments or Comments (<Number>)
Finally, and slightly annoyingly, I had to add a redirect to the proper hostname of my website, as the XMLHttpRequest open operator will not operate correctly cross domains (security feature for unsigned scripts). I have no intention of signing my scripts, so a simple javascript redirect is in place there.
Mozilla throws an exception if you try to cross-site execute and XMLHttpRequest, IE does a security confirmation and Konqueror (and probably safari) simply ignore the open request. annoying, but I suppose the have a point.
Things learned at this point
- XMLHttpRequest rocks!
- MT is a bit of a pain to customize
- IE caches more than it should – I can’t get the comments to reload.
I had to make a few changes to the backend. It wasn’t working quite right on I.E. if anyone has any problems on their browser drop me a line!
My browser has failed to give me a sense of fulfillment, or indeed to enrich my life in anyway. I think it may be because I’m using the Ennui 2.3.2 plugin for mozilla…
And he doesn’t tell me if it’s working or not, simply passes some strange comment. I’m guessing it works as he was able to post the comment, but I just don’t know
See, that would be easy. You have to intuit the true response… 😉
btw, you’re 2 for 2: mozilla on Solaris and winblows…