Ok, teacher tells their class that the moon is not out during the day! How whacked is that. Then also proceeds to tell them that all rivers flow south. Downhill maybe, but south! this smacks of something out of 1984.
Reminds me of the occasion that I got screwed in a general knowledge quiz over the question… how much light does the dark side of the moon receive as a percentage of the overall light the moon receives. The reason why the dark side of the moon is called the dark side of the moon is that it is not generally visible from our perspective. The moon takes about 29 days to rotate on it’s axis; almost exactly the same amount of time it takes to orbit around the earth. If we see the same side of the moon all the time doesn’t that mean that when the side we see is a new moon (dark) the other side is bathed in light! Dammit, that was a fricking tiebreaker question as well.