At the start of January I got a new phone. Less than a month later the phone, along with my jacket, was stolen in a night club – from the cloak room. After several weeks of to-ing and fro-ing with the phone insurance, they refused to replace my phone. Wasted money, that insurance policy I tell you. Apparently because it was within a month of having obtained my phone, it was far more than a formality. I’ll have to remember that in future.
On to new phones. I had a Sony Ericsson V800. Nice phone, but really bad battery life. I’ve been looking at the S700, which is a better phone (battery life-wise) but a friend was telling me of his new XDAIIs (an O2 phone). But you will lose 3G capabilities comes the cry. Lets kick in with a reality check here – 3G coverage in Ireland is cities and major towns only. Lets talk phone reception – I have virtually No coverage when I’m in the Castlegregory area with Vodafone. It has not improved in the last 4 years, while my little sister has had no issues with her O2 phones.
There is only one kicker. Calls abroad are covered in my minutes on Vodafone, which means that calls to the sister and others are significantly cheaper than they would be otherwise. If O2 would just stretch to that then I would completely swap over to them in a heartbeat.
Ah yes, geeks with their toys.
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I hope u got the club to replace the jacket and phone. Have heard of that happening b4 in the uk and the clubber to the club to court won her case and was awarded the value of the jacket. Phone could be a diff matter.
So u doing some nixers for de brudder?
still not pushed on finding something else?
Been very busy in work. Last week the earliest I left was 20.40 and was there till 2am sat morning. dunno how much more I can take of this!