Mandatory trailers

I know, it’s an old complaint. On DVD’s there’s a bunch of logic on the disc to prohibit you from skipping certain things – like the copyright notices in two billion languages. Disney and Warner are bad, putting trailers for movies before you get to the main menu. You can skip them by hitting the menu button, but the most painful thing I find with the trailers is that they have dates on them, like ‘coming to a cinema near you in June 2004‘. Software DVD players can be convinced to skip the trailers – see software like DVDidle for that.
Then there’s the computer games. Big, loud, 40 second trailers, and 10 of them all in a line. One for the developer, one for the distributor, one telling you that this graphics card kicks your graphics card’s ass, one for the physics engine, one for the banana maker who supplied the developers (ok, the last one was a joke, but I mean really). After launching the game 20 times or more, the only things I have to say are – effing annoying crap, cut to the game.

[Listening to: The Video Games Show #70 – 09/12/05 – Hoss, Nickel & Rich – The Video Games Show – 64 kbps (59:50)]