Scariest creatures in TV

Well before the Borg, well before the Replicators there were the Daleks. These without doubt were the single scariest monsters in TV history. Over many years they unleashed their own brand of hell on the universe. These creatures were without mercy, without emotion and with one thing on their minds – the extermination of anything living thing other than themselves. They upgraded themselves constantly, but the constant for the Dalek was the shape they held, and their plunger and gun at the front.
Their creation is explained in the Dr. Who tale Genesis of the Daleks. After a thousand year war a scientist by the name of Davros created the Daleks as a container for the Kaled race, or at least what was going to become them after several million years of evolution. This scientist was not happy with the fact that the creatures were going to still possess such trivialities like emotions, so he genetically modified them to eliminate all emotion. The result was then governed by a computer program built into the machine that was a Dalek’s exoskeleton.
Of course all creators get their just desserts. Given a program which only permitted the Daleks on top of the food chain, they of course decided that as Davros was inferior, he must be exterminated.
The final destruction of the Daleks was supposed to have happened at the end of the great time war, where the Daleks and the Time Lords fought for the ultimate salvation of the universe. This of course was scotched by the 2005 Dr. Who episode Dalek which tells the tale of the last of the Dalek race. If there ever was an episode that deserved an Emmy, that would be the one.
As for me, practically every time I hear the refrain ‘Exterminate, exterminate’ it sends a shiver down my spine, for it means that they are coming, and you’ld better pray for the Doctor.

[Listening to: Katamari Damacy – Lonely Rolling Star – – (5:44)]
