Just a hint for those who might forget, because the new layout manager is not standard in Java, you need to make sure that your application ships with the new layout code in tow. To find the location of this layout manager on your system, open the library manager and look for the ‘Swing Layout Extensions’ library. This will give you a pointer to the .jar file needed to run under the new layout manager. In my case that’s J:\Program Files\netbeans-5.0beta\ide6\modules\ext\swing-layout-0.7.jar, Your jar file name and directory mileage may vary.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jdesktop/layout/GroupLayout$Group. Then again if you don’t know why the error is happening I’m slightly shocked.
New GroupLayout manager run time exception prevention
[Listening to: Little Earthquakes – Tori Amos – Little Earthquakes (6:52)]
I heard that the guys at netbeans will hopefully add this to the JDK library so you don’t need to deploy this jar.
I am having a little trouble getting my app to open in webstart though, it seems to find my jar ok…I add some post-creation code to components like panels to output that things were created ok.
The only problem is that my GUI is not displayed which totally confuses me as this works fine when I run it from my Netbeans IDE.
Off the top of your head do you have any idea where I may have gone wrong?