The laptop does suspend and resume to disk, but I have issues with the video card – I use the 855resolution program to allow the video card to set the native 1400×1050 resolution of the screen. When I resume once X kicks in and can’t set the video mode correctly I am booted back to a login screen.
I put in an entry in the powersaved post resume from suspend2disk script, and it correctly repatches the video mode before the X server tries to reinitialize the video. The problem is that I need to use the powersave command to shut it down correctly.
I took the alternate route and installed the software suspend2 patch. It provides a cleaner interface to hibernation (the hibernate command); it compresses the file; it supports using a file on disk instead of the swap partition; you can encrypt the hibernation file. It will unmount the windows paritions when I suspend, remounting them when I resume (corruption issues avoided) and runs the 855resolution command before X kicks in. All in all a nicer way to deal with hibernation.
I still haven’t got suspend to ram working. Standby works, though.
Now all I need is to get 855resolution working on Solaris and most of my complaints will just vanish into the distance.