finally Brian sends out an email without a 5Mb attachment

Brian has this habit of sending out emails with a bunch of attached pictures/embedded power point presentation/something using up lots of bandwidth.
Finally an email that only weighs in at 5k (damned html email). It contains a link to pictures. Now if only he would not have his website in a notes database. It just makes me cringe when I see it. It’s so… wrong. There’s no other word for it.

One Reply to “finally Brian sends out an email without a 5Mb attachment”

  1. Aw fair go! I leave u off most of the crap bc I know u r still on dial up. Why doncha just check via webmail and then decide if u need it or not? 🙂
    As for the Website well It’s hosted for free by Paul (rem him) And as he’s a notes geek I have to take what I get. I’d prefer not to use notes either. You must have heard me curse it almost as much as MS back when I was with Clear.
    Check out his blog at:
    How goes the job hunting?

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