Depressed? You have no idea

Things are often left unsaid. I regularly don’t say what’s on my mind where my emotions are concerned. This has been a disaster as far as relations are concerned. I had one more chance to say what was on my mind, but no, I chickened out. Now I’m depressed. How much longer will it take to say things?

4 Replies to “Depressed? You have no idea”

  1. Grr…
    You were in fact supposed to sort it out about 5 years ago – no what am I saying, about 10 years ago. The world watched, expecting it to happen, began to notice it hadn’t happened, began to wonder why it hadn’t happened and got round to aceepting that it wouldn’t ever happen for some unknown reason which none of us could guess at.
    I have to be at scouts till 9 this evening, but I might in Second Life this morning

  2. Translating my brothers comments from the Klingon…

    There are a great many people who care about you a great deal, and do worry about you. For some of us, our interest is not merely idle curiousity and a search for gossip but founded in a genuine wish to see you live happily ever after. You’re a good guy, you deserve it. You have no shortage of people prepared to listen. Let’s not rule out the possibility that some of them might say something helpful.

    Will call Thursday, usual time…Happy to defer our usual agenda items for this one, if you wish it.

  3. Hmmmmm not a happy camper….mairt at home alone avec sadhbh this week end give him a shout – call out to us ..have a natter..drink some wine have some cheese!!!mairt quite good to bounch such headwrecking stuff off..huggs Una

  4. You can call me if you wish… I’ll be in Cork this weekend. I also second Una’s assertion – she’s not simply biased, Mairt *is* very good to talk to in these situations.

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