Apparently are being naughty with the VAT situation. Pick a price in pounds. If it exceeds a certain value (£18) it is subject to vat in the UK. Make sure this is the case.
Translate the price to euro using something like XE’s universal currency converter. Then click on the ‘price in euros’ button on play. They’re pretty similar.
Read the fine print in the terms and conditions… item 26 states you will be charged tax where appropriate … item 32 states only if you’re in jersey. Apparently play are paying tax to addresses delivered in the UK, but not to addresses in other european countries (like Ireland).
So the long and short of it is that they’re pocketing the tax difference and then when customs screw you on delivery of your item and add a €5 handling fee you have every right to be angry with them. Suddenly those DVDs aren’t cheap anymore.
Mind you there’s a getout clause. If the value of the item does not exceed €22 then you should not be charged VAT on it. This information is outlined in the Customs Duty and VAT at Importation leaflet.