Commander, my commander

I got a copy of Supreme Commander last night, even though I was worried it was not going to work on the computee; having seen several reviews complaining about the performance. Mind you, I’m playing Company of Heroes at 1920×1200 resolution, so I was not expecting a slowdown. The screen adjusts itself to give you the best view of the play area. It seems to have been designed to scale quite well – as opposed to some other games. So far, I spent about an hour and a half playing it and it does have a lot of the feel of Total Annihilation about it – you end up with a lot of vehicles to control very early on in the game, and you lose a lot as you try to keep the weak against air units covered by the weak against ground units. Move forward in fits and starts and send out scouts to see what’s over the horizon. Fun for all the military strategists in the family, especially the history teachers. It really feels like directing armies versus directing small numbers of units. Well planning on attending the great engagement ring reveal party tonight, so I won’t be playing this… that is unless I start playing early in the morning when you should expect a rant of tired segueing into something completely surreal. Just like all my other entries (well, not all of them; primarily the ones that have taken place after the hours of midnight and post alcohol enjoyment.) Remember kids ‘[]’ are brackets, ‘{}’ are braces and ‘()’ are parentheses, so mind the parenthetical expressions in your sentences. Note, that I don’t generally consider ‘<>‘ as any of the above family; I just consider them annoying…
