This is the official declaration of a patch for the linux kernel. It provides for the replacement of all GPL only exported symbols with generically exported symbols.
While the code is trivial, I hereby declare that it is copyright 2007 Pete Shanahan.
It is, itself subject to the GPL, so there.
Starting from the kernel source directory issue the following command:
for i in $(find . -type f); do sed -i -e 's/EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL/EXPORT_SYMBOL/' $i done
If someone is putting multiple symbols on a line, then you have my permission to use:
for i in $(find . -type f); do sed -i -e 's/EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL/EXPORT_SYMBOL/g' $i done
Gosh, now that wasn’t difficult, now was it?
This developer created this patch while under the influence of several personally made martinis, a couple of beers and a few shots of vodka (it was nice, though), so if the spelling of any of the code is incorrect then feel free to correct it, send me a patch and I’ll add you as a contributor to it. After all, we’re all pragmatists together.