I wish it was only about the cake…

Criminal choice I had to laugh when I read this – After all, it’s supposed to be a web application. I need to change my password in order to use this desktop application. You have got to be s****ing me.

In their rush to get the product out to the customers…

Apple have obviously made some significant backwards compatibility errors. Firstly, there’s the firewall – altering the on-disk content of applications to make them signed when you accept them. Its an interesting approach, but it’s complete pants. You don’t go around altering binaries on disk. You create a detached signature! It’s not really bloody difficult.
On Vista, you can see *every* rule that exists for the firewall. On Leopard, you only get to see the exceptions you created yourself.
I’ve been having random application crashes. They seem to be related to drag and drop operations that went wrong.
the calendar application does not want to talk to my instance of davical properly (all the calendars disappear after restarting, and I get an error every time I create a calendar).
Then there’s the ‘the application terminated unexpectedly’ – no, it didn’t, I used the <Apple>Q menu item to quit the application.
Context sensitivity on the mail application is kinda limited – It doesn’t detect URL links properly – I have a site that’s called http://foo4/…, and all the link comes up with is http://foo. As I said, a bit limited.
Overall, though, the experience is positive. I would have preferred if apple had simply spent some more time testing the damned thing against anything other than their own applications and services.
And, as soon as they allow a replacement for .mac that can be replaced with an external, non-proprietary service I’ll be a happier person

Cough, cough, wheeze, wheeze

I’ve had this coughy, wheezy thing for the last week. It started during the move with all the obvious feelings of a cold, which later migrated to a regular cough which sounds rotten and does not make me want to go out into the cold – even though it’s bright and all.
On the other hand the new mac is cute.

gnome on low bandwidth

I would have to say ‘serves you right’, but even with a reasonably fast cable modem connection X blows goats on remote displays. vnc is an improvement, but the windows remote terminal system kicks ass on a 56k ordinary modem connection. Hmmm….

Plucking environmentally conscious Dell

Got the replacement battery in the post yesterday. I send a message asking what to do with the other one…. Response: ‘You do not need to return the faulty battery. Please dispose it.’ Talking about being completely annoying on this. Previously it was a replacement power supply. This time it’s a battery. They really aren’t taking this WEEEEEEE thing seriously.

I organize my trip…

And they change the office move date by a week. It’s bleeding typical to have something like that happen, as after all as my mother says, you can’t get away with anything.

Plucking dell battery!

Aargh, I just saved my laptop from exploding/catching fire. Literally minutes/seconds away from a potential disaster (losing my hard drive – time to do a backup today).
A dell laptop, with a battery model of C5447 – one larger than the number listed in the dell battery recall program. The battery was really really hot – I mean pretty much frying-pan hot heat on the battery. I’ve contacted dell support. I wonder what’s going to happen with this

Double spaced

Aargh, how many times do I see double spaced text where the author understood that this meant put two spaces after the period, not that there should be a whole line of space between the lines (for all those comments and notes silly!). Plus, putting two spaces after a period collapses into one under HTML. The CSS style for double spacing is ‘line-height:200%;’, which is nice.

Truth in advertising

spot the numbers It’s really a big lie when they promise you the data rates. This is a snapshot of the data rates I’m getting from my 3 data modem. The numbers listed for the transfer rates are in kilobits per second, not kilobytes per second. There is a factor of 8 difference in the rates, and I’ve never seen the damned thing go much above 1000. I’ve tried, using the blacknight Irish ISP speed test, and have not seen it rate my line as much better than ISDN download and 56k modem upload.
Then there’s access to various web sites. I will regularly get cut off downloading – a lot of times I can never download the damned stuff I’m trying to get at. This is particularly annoying with google and youtube videos – they stall about a minute in and I can’t see anything else from them.
Every time in the last three weeks I’ve tried to access del.icio.us, it’s been a bust – it simply does not make the connection, I’m left with a stupid error message.
Every time I try to download my email from my pop provider (indigo.ie – i.e. pre-eircom), the connection times out. I can connect using any other provider. Waulgh! This is just not worth it for only having it for the weekends. I should get eircom into the house in Kerry, that way at least someone else can get some use from it.