Not much to say at the moment

Just had to put something useless into the mix! guess what, I’m tired and I don’t have much to contribute to the wide world. I’m interested in the GTD stuff. Maybe I should just GTD.
One thing I have to say is that I don’t like the bloody shite on the TV.

still on the CSI – gotta love the grissom

More ‘extreme scenes’, but with a shiny happy ending. I think I need to sit down with about 4 days worth of the show to get it out of my system – just like I did with Kit Kat’s. I can’t eat one anymore without thinking – damn, but this is tastless crap. I’m currently avoiding going through the process with the Tesco continental thins. Yummy, but I’m careful about it.
Donal! Where can I buy the booze! It’s all good; honest!

The angst – the multi-step ADO operation tale continues

I thought I had it, but I didn’t. I still can’t find out the reason. Currently, after each post I re-read the table by closing and opening it. The table is a small, local, temporary table for recording information before posting it to the real database so I don’t really care that the exception is triggered.
Now, I’m getting DbgBreakPoint exceptions. This was in a simple showmodal call, so I have no idea why it’s there. Apparently it might have something to do with opening the table concerned.

New on the blogroll… davetron

I finally got someone to send me/link to The Chronicles of Davetron, where I discovered that he qualified for the Winter Olympics in the skeleton. Let me tell you that since I’ve know Dave he’s always been a fanatic for the sports, and to find this out I am just as proud as punch. While we partied he trained, and now he gets to represent the country at the Olympics – it just brings a tear to my bitter eyes.

The winnah and champeen of the world

The godchild was in a table quiz tonight and he won! we were all surprised. while we were going home he asked a question about the internet – basically claiming that the internet was invented in 1990. I had to correct him, of course that it was the world wide web. Then I decided to explain the 7 layer OSI model to him. I think he regretted having made the slight factual error at the beginning. In the end, I explained to him that the web operated as a level 7 protocol; or in the parlance of Arthur C. Clarke; is indistinguishable from magic. It would have driven him to sleep if it wasn’t for the vast amount of soda he had consumed.

Met the bob

Well I was in Dublin over the weekend and met the Bob and his girlfriend Karen. We went for food and a few drinks. He is doing well. I’ll put up the pictures when I get to broadbandland.

suspend/resume under linux on Dell 500m

The laptop does suspend and resume to disk, but I have issues with the video card – I use the 855resolution program to allow the video card to set the native 1400×1050 resolution of the screen. When I resume once X kicks in and can’t set the video mode correctly I am booted back to a login screen.
I put in an entry in the powersaved post resume from suspend2disk script, and it correctly repatches the video mode before the X server tries to reinitialize the video. The problem is that I need to use the powersave command to shut it down correctly.
I took the alternate route and installed the software suspend2 patch. It provides a cleaner interface to hibernation (the hibernate command); it compresses the file; it supports using a file on disk instead of the swap partition; you can encrypt the hibernation file. It will unmount the windows paritions when I suspend, remounting them when I resume (corruption issues avoided) and runs the 855resolution command before X kicks in. All in all a nicer way to deal with hibernation.
I still haven’t got suspend to ram working. Standby works, though.
Now all I need is to get 855resolution working on Solaris and most of my complaints will just vanish into the distance.

Energy Drain

I have a problem with emotional situations – they tend to drain my energy completely. On Tuesday morning, my sister-in-law’s father passed away. I was directing traffic around the house last night, and got home sometime after 11pm. I was, to say the least, shattered, even though I was doing nothing more than waving a torch and walking people from their parking place to the house (to protect them from oncoming traffic).
Every funeral occasion in the last year has left me drained; even if they were only slightly connected to me.